Presenting the "Coffee Trip" Blog Series

Since not so long time ago, a habit we three have developed is every once in a while to go out and explore the local cafès (we're gathering ideas for our own shop, obviously ^^). We talk about the atmosphere, the design of the place, the people working there, the food and the coffee itself - what we like, what we don't like and so on. And suddenly, out of the nowhere, the idea of writing reviews about the places we visit was born...just kidding, I've been thinking about this so much lately, it's driving me crazy! Can't wait to start posting those reviews!

What a Coffee Trip post will be like?

First, there will be photos, then we will write more about the place itself, our own impressions from it with an accent on the coffee of course. We have a lot of pictures from many cafès in Luzern, Amsterdam and Paris, the problem is that the type of info we have might be a little different for each of the establishments, but hey, that's only the beginning! I'm sure that with time our reviews will become more to the point.


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Room 409

An international trio consisting of three young ladies - Karla, Snehaa and Elena - sharing with you their adventures in the world of coffee. A Swiss based blog (for the moment) made with love and thirst for knowledge about this mysterious and revitalizing beverage and everything around it.