Yesterday I had a practice session at Stoll...actually since I bought the aeropress last week I haven't stopped brewing. First, to get the hang of it, cause you know, it kind of matters which side of the aeropress points to the ceiling (and I obviously have a talent for embarrassing myself), then to develop a recipe for the competition. The good thing is my place gained the permanent smell of coffee, which I love, the not so good thing is that with all the new additions to my coffee laboratory my wallet got a bit...vacant. Oh, well, I don't regret anything! I only miss a refractometer, but I can't afford it and I'm not sure I need it at this stage. Especially if you can use someone else's...But I find it a bit confusing and at times I feel lost, because when I brew something and when I measure it and the dissolved solids percentage turns out to be something different than what I've expected. I don't know what should I expect, I can't find the connection between the taste and the dissolved solids. Or it's better to say I can't taste the connection, because there obviously is one. Funny thing...I also doubt in myself, maybe I don't do something right.

As it turns out the Aeropress Championship will be held in the lovely Café Fruhling in Basel on the 22nd of March. All together there will be 27 participants, from which 9 will continue to semi-finals and 3 to finals. Everything will be tasted blindly, the judges won't know who's the brewer of the coffee they are tasting and also they won't be measuring the TDS. They'll just have to point to the cup they like most. Or should I say extraction they like most? Because the beans are going to be the same, so the judges are going to look for the perfect extraction. The finalist will go to the World Aeropress Championship in Rimini in July. As for me, I don't have any expectations from the competition, it would be fun to brew coffee along with all these coffee people, I really look forward to it!
I totally got in love with my aeropress, I should give her (yes, it's a "she") a name, but I will leave this to Snehaa and Karla, when it comes to names there are the best! This brewing method is surely becoming my favorite, because the quantity is small and you have a perfect control over the brew. It's ideal for experimenting. For now I'm using paper filters, but I would like to see the difference with the metal one...maybe next month. I'm also very pleasantly surprised how different coffee can taste in an aeropress. I think it makes it more fruity, crisp and fresh, but these are my observations.

As it turns out the Aeropress Championship will be held in the lovely Café Fruhling in Basel on the 22nd of March. All together there will be 27 participants, from which 9 will continue to semi-finals and 3 to finals. Everything will be tasted blindly, the judges won't know who's the brewer of the coffee they are tasting and also they won't be measuring the TDS. They'll just have to point to the cup they like most. Or should I say extraction they like most? Because the beans are going to be the same, so the judges are going to look for the perfect extraction. The finalist will go to the World Aeropress Championship in Rimini in July. As for me, I don't have any expectations from the competition, it would be fun to brew coffee along with all these coffee people, I really look forward to it!
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